Dr Matthew Choy

Dr Matthew Choy is a Consultant Gastroenterologist at Austin Hospital and works in private practice in north east Melbourne. Matthew consults in all aspects of gastroenterology and has a special interest in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and interventional luminal endoscopy (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, capsule endoscopy and small bowel balloon enteroscopy). He performs procedures at Warringal Hospital and Victorian Day Procedures Centre in Heidelberg.
Matthew graduated in medicine from the University of Melbourne and trained in gastroenterology at Monash Health and St Vincent’s Hospital (Melbourne). Matthew was an IBD research fellow at both Austin and St Vincent’s Hospital and completed a PhD in Ulcerative Colitis at the University of Melbourne (Austin Health). He was subsequently awarded the Gastroenterology Society of Australia/Olympus Advanced Endoscopy Fellowship and undertook further subspeciality training at the Wolfson Unit for Endoscopy at St Mark’s Hospital in London, focusing on cancer surveillance and endoscopic management of IBD (dysplasia and strictures), complex colonic polyp resection, small bowel capsule and balloon enteroscopy, and endoscopy training and quality.
At Austin Health, Matthew consults in the multidisciplinary IBD clinics, provides luminal endoscopy services and acute inpatient gastroenterology care. He is involved in local policy development, quality improvement initiatives and enjoys teaching medical students and specialist trainees. Matthew holds a Senior Research Fellow appointment at the University of Melbourne and is actively involved in IBD and endoscopy research and IBD clinical trials.